"I found working with Eloise extremely valuable and incredibly life-changing both on a professional and personal level.
Before we started the work, I was getting in my own way a lot, leading to unnecessary stress and overwhelm.
Eloise helped me turn that into something productive and positive.
At one point, we looked at my core values to identify what it is that's really important to me and why.
I'm now putting more time and energy into those things instead of worrying about the things that I couldn't control.
I have incredibly enjoyed the experience with Eloise and continue to work with her today."
Becky Testimonial
Becky Hill

"Astonishing, inspiring"

Eloise, before I started to work with you, I was feeling completely overwhelmed by my life.
My personal and professional goals (that had once driven me so strongly) were now hidden due to stress, lack of boundaries and clear direction. Basically, I was stuck. I am an empathetic person by nature but had now turned one of my greatest strengths into one of my biggest weaknesses. I was trying to be all things to all people, and that meant I was unable to practise any form of self-care. Everyone was missing out with this sort of energy. Due to all of your amazing coaching, I feel I am becoming more confident and clear on what I want and what I need to do to get there. My vision of my future is now clear, and I look forward to achieving all the goals that we have planned together.
Thank you, Eloise.
BTW, you are an astonishing, inspiring life coach
Lynda testimonial
Lynda Gates Schoetti
New York
Working with Eloise over the past 4 months has been truly fantastic.
Eloise's ability to empathize and yet see things from a separate perspective has left me in an "Aha!" moment countless times.
I can truly say Eloise's coaching has allowed me to look at my work-life from a different perspective, thus improving my performance and allowing me to do better every day.
I had been reluctant to coaching for quite some time, but I now hold no regrets.
I would highly recommend anyone to work with Eloise on any matter
Alex Stewart
"Eloise offers a sprinkling of magic fairy dust so that I can see my way through to what I really want."
Eliana Sydes
Eliana Sydes

"Positive force"

Eloise Eaton is a gifted coach.
She listens for the gold in what you share. Then helps you create a foundation to move forward in an empowering way.
She is a positive force and gets to the core of an issue.
This week she helped me create my manifesto for 2021. She was brilliant in listening and re creating statements that will empower me to move forward in my life.
So grateful, thank you Eloise
Client testimonial
Michelle Labelle
What I like most about Eloise's coaching is her empathy, dedication and ability to distil what she has heard into valuable insights.

I'd recommend Eloise to anyone who is overwhelmed and craves a change in life.
Charmaine Ho
The first thing to know about Eloise, is that you can count on her.
Growth and action will always remain her intentions. She was available to clarify, explain, listen and hold space for me whenever I needed it.
Eloise demonstrates efficiency, cohesiveness, and understanding in all of her expressions throughout the training process.
Eloise knows her profession backwards and forwards. Not only that, but she innovates the game with her sense of curiosity and willingness.
As open as Eloise has been, she definitely knows how to challenge you in all the best ways. Those have been the most important moments for me to really experience change in real time.
I really feel that Eloise does an amazing job in holding space for multiple people at a time.
She allowed each of us to have our own space to share our thoughts, feelings, and perceptions in a healthy manner for us. This created precious moments that otherwise wouldn’t have happened for successful results!
Eloise popped up at a time in my life that was so confusing I couldn’t explain it in words.
She believed in me and I gave her trust. Then, we created results.
I would recommend Eloise and her skillset to anyone regardless of what you are looking for in life.
Throughout my 3 months, I learned so much about myself, recovered lost pieces of my past, created more meaningful connections, found a home in my body, and rediscovered my curiosity for life.
Thank you Eloise.
Josh Bear

"Revolutionised our team"

Eloise is an integral part of our team. Her coaching is so beneficial that we have made it mandatory for every employee to work with her. She has revolutionised our team like nothing else, and would highly recommend her to any person or company looking to add coaching into their life!
Alex M
Alex McDonagh

"Fun and caring"

Over the course of 4 months Eloise has helped me break through fears, increase my self-confidence, and I became more clear about business and life goals. Eloise’s natural style is fun, caring, and centered on you and your needs. She has a great talent for helping people organize and articulate their life goals, and teaches amazing manifestation techniques that help you manifest abundance. I felt deeply supported and inspired to follow my bliss and pursue my goals; I don’t know if I could have done it without her! Thank you Eloise for helping me believe in myself and create the life I want to live. I would recommend this coaching program for any leader feeling "stuck" or for those leaders needing support with team communication and execution.
Angie Bell
Eloise has helped me in ways I never thought possible.
I have noticed a huge spike in my confidence levels, I am facing things that I never thought I would/could do and pushing myself out of my comfort zone.
I am beginning to recognize my negative self talk as that and only that, and turn my "I can’t's" into "I cans!"
I have a voice too and just like anyone else, it deserves to be heard too!
Of course putting yourself out there can feel vulnerable and scary, but the more you do it, the more you start to feel stronger, braver and you begin to realize that you actually CAN do these things.
If others can, why can't I? Is what I now ask myself when I notice my negative self talk getting in the way or I catch myself trying to get out of those situations (situations that make me incredibly uncomfortable and nauseous, but I know will be so good for me and my growth as a person).
This is all definitely easier said than done and I still have a lot of work to do, but if your end goal is important to you, it's worth all of the hard work! And the rush that you get after achieving something that is out of your comfort zone is worth it alone!
There is so much life has to offer and I got so sick and tired of holding myself back from trying things out of fear of failure or worrying about what others will think. Or even little things like skipping a fun social event because I feel too shy or nervous to go.
I decided that I don't want to feel like that anymore, in both my career and my personal life. So I chose to reclaim my confidence and show people my voice.
Thank you Eloise!
Erica Kerry
White Rock