Tony Robbins and I were mortal enemies. He didn’t know it, I hadn’t told him, because we weren’t speaking.

Tony Robbins and I were enemies

Many years ago Tony Robbins tried to steal my husband, then my boyfriend. He almost succeeded.

It was early on in our relationship, but far enough in that, we knew we had something special, something real. My then-boyfriend and now-husband, let’s call him Martin, mainly because that’s his name, was funny, interesting, interested but most of all on the same wavelength as me. We both loved good food, great wine, dinner parties with close friends and laughing until we cried.
That was the man who went to meet Tony Robbins, the man that wanted to learn from the guru of self-improvement, that was the man I was falling in love with.

So this man that we are calling Martin, yes because it’s his name, spent only 3 days with Tony Robbins. It doesn’t sound much does it, but I can tell you, it had a lifetimes worth of impact.
Mr Robbins, I have no idea what you did to him but the boyfriend you sent back to me was…well, he was, quite simply, horrid.

Was it all the hugging of strangers, the jumping up and down or the walking on hot coals, yes, he really did that. How could I compete?

It doesn’t really sound too bad so far, does it? Well, it was! Tony Robbins, you created a monster, you created a cult member, and it was one of the most frightening cults I know of, the cult of Vegans! Now don’t misunderstand me, I am not anti cults perse, I have joined a couple in my life and preached and tried to convert unsuspecting friends and family.

I was a member of the paleo cult for 5 years and only escaped after drunk eating an entire family-sized bag of Twix one night. I was happy to rejoin the real world again, so so were my friends. I would like to formally apologise to everyone who had to cook for me during that time.
The other cult…Crossfit. I love it, so much so that I am still a fully committed member happily paying my monthly tithes.

Like any cult, the vegan one is judgmental to nonmembers, and this was an extra strict one, it was for vegans who weren’t allowed chocolate! In fact, just when you thought it couldn’t be any worse, it does! It was for vegans who weren’t allowed chocolate or to drink wine!
Tony Robbins, how could you?
Fortunately, Martin escaped after what felt like an eternity, and we resumed our romance.
Tony Robbins tried to reenter our lives a few times over the next few years, but I was a very strong gatekeeper.

Well, let’s fast forward 24 years.
Martin and I are still married, and I still haven’t forgiven Tony Robbins for trying to steal him.
Very recently Martin did a strange thing, he invited Tony Robbins into our house without asking me first.
He bought me an online course.
Due to the fact, precious dollars had been spent, I happily agreed to go into it kicking and screaming and planning divorce.

Every day during that 1st week, I shouted at, and I ridiculed Tony Robbins. I sneered at every one of his ‘rah-rah’ ‘you can do it’, comments and ideas but he didn’t care, he carried on regardless.
Eventually, like any captive prisoner, for make no mistake that was what I was, I listened intently.
Tony became the 1st person I spoke with each morning, he told me how to think, how to stand and even how to breathe. I am almost embarrassed to say, I began to love him for it.

Was it Stockholm syndrome or had I just been wrong all of these years?

Tony and I have now been friends for 3 weeks, and we are getting closer each day. He has encouraged me to focus on my strengths and made me more confident. Sometimes I even offer him advice, and I am sure he listens.
We are now at a level of mutual respect and understanding. He is not my abductor, I can walk away whenever I want, but I don’t.

Tony Robbins and I are in love. He doesn’t know it yet because I haven’t told him.